When I Fear the Unknown

Sometimes, like a child in the dark hiding from an imagined monster in the closet, I feel immobilized by fear of the unknown.  As the child is reassured by a parent turning on a light to show a monster-free closet, so am I able to take action once the facts of my situation are revealed. 

Life often takes us to unfamiliar places.  My journey to find a living donor has certainly taken me by surprise!  Sometimes I feel frightened by the unknown aspects of this process, and I welcome the input and support of those who have been through it.   

Wrestling with the question of whether to become a donor is also a journey into the unknown.  I hope that the information and ongoing posts on my website will offer you some guidance in the decision-making process.   

The following video, Donation Myths: True or False, is posted on the kidney registry website www.kidneyregistry.org   It has some interesting facts about being a donor.